Connor Hughes's Recovery
On the 13th September 2014, in his first rugby game of the season, Connor Hughes sustained an injury to his C5 and C6 vertebrae which damaged his spinal cord. This was a life changing event, leaving Connor quadriplegic with no sensation from his shoulders down.
He underwent intensive reconstructive surgery on his cervical vertebrae and then started the long rehabilitation process.
When one of our Niagara Therapy sales agents first saw Connor at the Queen Elizabeth National Spinal Unit at the Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, he looked very frail and nothing like the strapping, 19 year old rugby player he once was. Owing to the length of time he had spent receiving treatment, he had actually lost 35lb most of it due to muscle wastage which occurred within the first few weeks following his accident.
Due to his injuries, Connor was only able to move his arms with approximately 50% movement in his right and 15% in his left and he was getting a lot of muscle tension in around his shoulders and neck.
Following a consultation, with Connor and his family, our sales agent used a Niagara Therapy portable hand unit across Connor’s shoulders and the change in his face was evident for all to see with the pain easing and his muscle tension lessening.
The hand held device allows users to instantly target troublesome areas with its unique NHC Cyclo-Therapy. The cycloid action of the therapy comprises of a multi-directional wave moving up and down, sideways and also in a circular motion all at the same time. The result is a deep penetrating massage, providing a multitude of benefits with no harmful side effects.
Independent studies conducted by universities, research institutes and teaching hospitals show that the vibration therapy can actually relax and rest muscles, soothe most rheumatic pains, ease nervousness and stress, raise pain thresholds and improve blood circulation. It also helps to increase venous drainage and can assist in the reduction of swelling caused by excess tissue fluid. In addition, it can improve joint mobility and ease back pain.
On the next visit to the hospital, our agent wanted to show the benefits of using the therapy unit on Connor’s legs as the portable unit is designed to aide circulation and joint mobility. Remarkably, while Connor was receiving the therapy on his legs, he said he felt a sensation in his knee and thigh!
Commenting on the use of NHC Cyclo-Therapy, Connor said: “I use the therapy hand unit on a daily basis to ease my neck and shoulder muscle tension after being in my wheelchair for several hours. It provides instant relief and is helping to reduce the tension I feel each day. I use it on my hands, legs and feet also to improve my blood circulation and work my muscles. It has become a key part of my therapy. “
Kevin Alexander, Regional Sales Manager for Scotland who visited Connor and his family said “when I first met Connor I was surprised just how much of a ‘glass half full type of chap’ he was considering his circumstances. It was great to see just how much of an impact the NHC Cyclo-Therapy was having after such a short time. Connor is an inspirational young man who continues to strive towards achieving his aims, one of which is to have the equipment needed to be as independent and active as possible. I am delighted that at Niagara Therapy we have been able to help him some way to achieving this.”
All of Niagara Therapy’s cycloidal vibration products are CE marked and are registered as Class 2a Medical Devices with the UK Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA). This means we have had to meet European Standards and demonstrate ongoing evidence in regards to the quality, safety and effectiveness of our products.
Following a successful trial of the therapy at the NHS London Spinal Cord Injury Centre at the Royal National Orthopaedic NHS Trust (RNOH), the portable hand held units and circulation stimulation pads that deliver the NHC Cyclo-Therapy have now been donated to all 12 NHS spinal cord injury centres across the UK.
Connor’s family continue to fundraise in a bid to purchase the vital equipment needed to continue his rehabilitation. The funds raised already have already meant Connor has been able to visit a pioneering rehabilitation centre in San Diego known as Project Walk.
To learn more about Connor and his fundraising efforts visit www.connorsjourney.com
*Although we cannot say that the use of our products can cure specific medical conditions, cycloidal vibration combined with the positional adjustments of our products can help relieve common and sometimes debilitating associated symptoms.

About Niagara Therapy®
Niagara Therapy® has been making riser recliner chairs and adjustable beds in the UK for over 50 years and are recognised as the industry leader when it comes to quality and service, we are also members of the NHC Group.
Niagara Therapy’s unique NHC Cyclo-Therapy system, the ultimate in soothing pain relieving therapy, is a medically-proven cyclo-massage therapy system that works to improve blood circulation providing effective pain relief from a variety of health conditions including: arthritis; sciatica; stress & anxiety; back pain and spinal disorders; hip pain; varicose veins; night cramp; puffy & swollen ankles; mobility issues and poor blood circulation; and water retention and oedema.
Our products are specially designed to help those with mobility problems or who suffer from particular medical conditions, indeed Niagara Therapy beds and riser recliner chairs are used by a range of people with varying levels of disability, and as such we are registered with the UK Government’s Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority and have certification of ISO 9001:2000.
All of our cycloidal vibration products are CE marked and certified as Class 2A Medical Devices as regulated by the UK Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA).
VAT Exemption
If you are thinking of purchasing an Niagara Therapy Adjustable Bed or Riser Recliner Chair that is intended for domestic use then you could be eligible for VAT exemption as part of the HMRC notice 701/7 (VAT Act 1994, Section 30, Section 8 Group 12). Most people don’t realise that they qualify so do take notice to check criteria below alternatively call to speak to one of our fully trained advisors.
You are eligible if you are:
Suffering with a condition that the medical profession treats as chronic sickness, such as diabetes,
Are disabled (Excluding temporary incapacitation for example a broken limb),
Suffer from physical or mental impairment which has long term and substantial adverse effect on you carrying out your everyday activities,
Terminally Ill.
About NHC Group
Niagara Healthcare Ltd is a UK-based healthcare and mobility products direct sales and manufacturing company with three locations across the UK. Established for over 50 years, we have a long history of helping thousands of people enjoy a more rich, fulfilling and healthier lifestyle.

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